Haaga-Helia Project week - Getting to know your own future
Askolan lukio osallistui eilen LUKE-verkoston webinaariin, jossa puhuttiin muun muassa lukioiden korkeakoulu- ja kansainvälisyysyhteistyöstä. Lukiollamme järjestetty projektiviikko 19.-23.4. oli hyvä askel kohti uusia yhteistyömuotoja. Alla vielä englanninkielinen kuvaus toisen vuoden opiskelijan kokemuksista Haaga-Helian kanssa yhteistyössä toteutetusta projektiviikosta.
A student's look into project week |
The second-year students in Askola Upper Secondary School had an online project week at the University of Applied Sciences, more precisely the Haaga-Helia Porvoo campus. During that time we had about two to three introduction lectures either about the general studying in Haaga-Helia, introduction to the staff, or lessons about subjects that you can apply to study.
From a student’s perspective, the week was very interesting and most importantly I found it extremely useful. During that time not only did we get to learn about what studying at a university of applied sciences is like but we also got to widen our knowledge and perspective about the future. It was very helpful considering the fact that many of us are graduating soon and are wondering where to apply next.
The week was full of different kinds of activities. We learned how to use social media as a marketing tool, how to study different topics like traveling in Haaga-Helia, imagining what the world will look like in a decade, etc. One of the most interesting topics, in my opinion, was a lecture called “The importance of artificial intelligence”. We went through what artificial intelligence was and what it could be used for.
My overall opinion about the project week is that it was practical for many students. I personally had no idea what you could study in Haaga-Helia or how studying in university of applied sciences works overall. I was very surprised that you can study subjects like Journalism and Business outside of university. I am sure after the impressive summary of the Haaga Helia University of Applied Sciences and its campuses, many students will consider applying there.
A second-year student at Askola Upper Secondary School
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