Kansainvälisyyspäivä 18.11.& vaihto-opiskelijoiden haastattelu

Tänään Askolan lukiolla vietettiin kansainvälisyyspäivää. Koulutuntien sijaan saimme kuulla inspiroivia puheenvuoroja muun muassa Peter Vesterbackalta. Päivän mittaan keskusteltiin mm. myös opiskeluvaihdosta ja vapaaehtoistyöstä ulkomailla. 

Omat vaihtarimme Mae ja Elena ovat tarttuneet tilaisuuteen tullessaan Suomeen ja olemmekin saaneet nauttia heidän tuomastaan kansainvälisyyden ilmapiiristä koko kuluneen syksyn ajan. Mediakurssilla opiskelijamme haastattelivat Maeta ja Elenaa. Tässä blogissa vaihtarimme ovat jo kertoneet ensivaikutelmistaan Suomessa. Oletko jo jutellut Maen ja Elenan kanssa? Jos et, lue haastattelu alta ja mene sen jälkeen juttusille!

  1. Mikä on nimesi ja minkä ikäinen olet?

  • What is your name and how old are you?

Mae: My name is Madeleine Polis (or Mae, as I go by often). I am 16 years old!

Elena:  My name is Elena and I’m 17 years old.

  1. Mistä olet kotoisin?Missä kaupungissa asut?

  • Where did you come from?Which city do you live in?

Mae: I come from Massachusetts in the United States. The state is located in the northeast, in New England. I live in a town called Foxborough, a suburb of Boston. 

Elena: I come from Italy and actually I live in Myrskylä.

  1. Millainen perhe sinulla on ja monta sisarusta?

  • What kind of family do you have and how many siblings? 

Mae: My family is my mom, my dad, and I have three younger brothers as well. 

In my host family I also have three younger siblings, but I also have a sister, which is very exciting. 

Elena: My host family is composed by 4 sisters and my host parents.

  1. Miksi halusit tulla juuri tänne suomeen vaihto-oppilaaksi?

  • Why did you want to come here to Finland as an exchange student?

Mae: In all of my research about which country I wanted to study in, Finland always stood out to me. The beautiful landscape and the social system of Finland were big selling points. I also have Celiac Disease (meaning I can’t eat Gluten), so learning that Finland was a really easy place to find safe, good food sealed the decision. 

Elena: Because I’ve been interested in this country for 4 years and I was curious to know and learn more about this culture.

  1. Oletko viihtynyt täällä tai saanut jo uusia ystäviä? 

  • Have you enjoyed yourself here or already made new friends?

Mae: I have enjoyed being here very much! I have not yet got to see much of Finland, due to bad weather and busy schedules, but I am excited to explore it more! I have talked to some wonderful people and learned so much already. 

Elena: Yep, everyone here is extremely kind and friendly to me.

  1. Onko sinulla kotimaassasi paljon ystäviä

  • Do you have a lot of friends in your country?

Mae: I think that I have a few friends that I would consider very close, and many that I enjoy being with! They are all very excited to hear about my adventures in Finland, and they are very supportive!

Elena: Yeah, I do

  1. Onko sinulla lemmikkejä?Jos kyllä niin mitä?

  • Do you have any pets? If so, what?

Mae: At home, I have a cat, a dog and a bunch of chickens. My host family has three cats, which I love!!!

Elena: Yeah in my host family we have 2 adorable cats and 3 dogs.


  1. Harrastatko jotakin?

  • Do you have a hobby?

Mae: I enjoy dancing, theater, and I also play the viola. I love anything artistic and creative!

Elena: Yes, I really like hiking, singing and riding horses.

  1. Miten tykkäät viettää vapaa-aikasi.

  • What do you like to do in your free time?

Mae: I love to read, or play games with my siblings. I enjoy listening to music as well!

Elena: Actually watching tv series or listening to music.

  1. Pidätkö koulusta?

  • Do you like being in school?

Mae: I enjoy school, and I like learning. I think school can be stressful sometimes, but I try to find things in it that I love. 

Elena: Yes of course.

  1. Mikä on lempiruokasi?

  • What is your favorite food?

Mae: Pasta! I love every type of pasta. 

Elena:  I think all Italian food, but if I must choose one of them, I will say Lasagne.

  1. Onko jotain mitä haluat vielä kertoa itsestäsi?

  • Is there anything that you want to tell about yourself?

Mae: I am always open to talking to new people! I love to hear everyone’s stories and get to know you. Sometimes it can be hard with a language barrier, but I am trying to learn!

Elena: I’m an extrovert person and I really like make new friends.

- Janita Pietilä, ÄI12-kurssi


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